Chapter XIII – Re-Marriage

Section 57 – Liberty to parties to marry again

When six months after the date of an order of a High Court confirming the decree for a dissolution of marriage made by a District Judge have expired, or when six months after the date of’ any decree of a high Court dissolving a marriage have expired, and no appeal has been presented against such decree to the High Court in its appellate jurisdiction, or when any such appeal has been dismissed, or when in the result of any such appeal any marriage is declared to be dissolved, but not sooner, it shall be lawful for the respective parties to the marriage to marry again, as if the prior marriage had been dissolved by death:
Provided that no appeal to the Supreme Court has been presented against any such order or decree. When such appeal has been dismissed, or when in the result thereof the marriage is declared to be dissolved, but not sooner, it shall be lawful for the respective parties to the marriage to marry again as if the prior marriage had been dissolved by death.

Section 58 – English clergyman not compelled to solemnize marriages of persons divorced for adultery

No clergyman in Holy Orders of the 2’* * * No Church of England 3* * * shall be compelled to solemnize the marriage of any person whose former marriage has been dissolved on the ground of his or her adultery, or shall be liable to any suit, penalty or censure for solemnizing or refusing to solemnize the marriage of any such person.

Section 59 – English Minister refusing to perform ceremony to permit use of his Church

When any Minister of any Church or Chapel of the said 2*** Church refuses to perform such marriage service between any persons who but for such refusal would be entitled to have the same service performed in such Church or Chapel, such Minister shall permit any other Minister in Holy Orders of the said Church, entitled to officiate within the diocese in which such Church or Chapel is situate, to perform such marriage-service in such Church or Chapel.